Article I – Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Article II – Object…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Article III – Membership………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-3
Article IV – Divisions………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Article V – Elections……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-4
Article VI – Officers………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4-6
Article VII – Department Chairman and Vice Chairman……………………………………………………….. 6
Article VIII – Outstanding Club Member Awards…………………………………………………………………. 6
Article IX – Committees……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Article X – Meetings……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-7
Article XI – Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council……………. 7-8
Article XII – Finance………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Article XIII – Amendment of Bylaws………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Article XIV – Official Logo………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Article XV – Dissolution……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Article XVI – Parliamentary Authority…………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Article XVII – Indemnification……………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
1.01-1.12 – Dues…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
2.01-2.02 – Departments………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
3.01-3.14 – Committees…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10-14
4.01-4.02 – Murray Woman’s Club Endowment Fund………………………………………………………… 14
5.01-5.05 – Quorums……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
6.01-6.02 – Membership Drawing……………………………………………………………………………………. 14
7.01-7.07 – Selection of Outstanding Club Members…………………………………………………………. 14
8.01-8.03 – Memorial Service…………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
9.01-9.03 – Archives………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
10.01-10.02 – Amendments to Standing Rules………………………………………………………………….. 15
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as the GFWC Murray Woman’s Club, Inc.
Article II – Object
The object and purpose of this organization, organized as a nonprofit corporation, shall be the mutual improvement and education of its members, volunteer service to the community, and promotion of any worthwhile public cause. Practical, civic, and educational work shall be undertaken as well as purely cultural studies.
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Members. Membership in the GFWC Murray Woman’s Club, Inc. shall be composed of members active in the different departments of the club. There shall also be non-participatory associate, lifetime, and honorary members.
Section 2. Organizations. Annual dues paid to MWC includes membership in GFWC Kentucky and GFWC International.
Section 3. Classification. MWC shall have the following membership classifications:
- Active Membership (member in good standing). A member who pays annual dues has full obligations, rights, and privileges of membership to attend meetings, make motions, speak in debate, and vote. An active member may belong to more than one (1) department but no more than three (3). The member shall have full obligations, rights, and privileges of membership in each department to which she belongs but shall only have one (1) vote in General club meetings. An active member shall consider herself honor bound to attend a minimum of one (1) General meeting per club year.
- Non-participatory Membership.
- Associate Membership.
- A member who is no longer active due to health reasons for herself or immediate family member may become an associate member.
- The request for associate membership status must be made by the member to the chairman of her department in writing and must give the reason why she can no longer be active.
- Upon approval by the department, the request shall be forwarded in writing to the club president. The status may be granted upon majority vote of the Board of Directors present at a business meeting.
- An associate member pays associate dues as set forth in the MWC Standing Rules to the department treasurer and has no obligations, rights, or privileges of membership. She may not attend meetings, make motions, speak in debate, or vote. She remains in name only and is designated in the yearbook as an associate member.
- Associate Membership.
- Time spent as an associate member does not count towards years of service.
- When health permits, full membership may be reactivated upon payment of annual dues.
- A member who is no longer active due to health reasons for herself or immediate family member but who has not requested associate member status may be granted associate membership upon payment of annual dues for each year she was not active.
- Lifetime Membership.
- An active club member who no longer resides within a reasonable driving distance and therefore can no longer attend meetings may become a lifetime member.
- The request for lifetime membership status must be made in writing by the member to the chairman of her department as to why she can no longer be an active member.
- Upon approval by the department, the request shall be forwarded to the club president. The status may be granted upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at a business meeting.
- A lifetime member pays dues as set forth in the MWC Standing Rules to the department treasurer and shall remain a member in name only with no membership obligations, rights, or privileges and is designated as a lifetime member in the yearbook.
- Honorary Membership.
- Years of Service.
- A member who has twenty-five (25) years of continuous service in the club and who is no longer active due to reasons of illness of herself or immediate family member may be recognized as an honorary member.
- The request for honorary membership shall be submitted in writing by the department to the club president giving the reason for the change in membership status. The status may be granted upon majority vote of the Board of Directors present at a business meeting.
- Honorary members do not pay annual dues and shall have none of the obligations, rights, and privileges of membership.
- President Emeritus.
- The president of MWC upon the completion of her term of office shall automatically receive the title of President Emeritus and be given honorary membership status.
- Presidents Emeriti who pay annual dues shall retain their honorary membership and shall have all the obligations, rights, and privileges of an active member.
- Departments having associate and lifetime members shall retain the department’s portion of the dues and submit the balance to the club treasurer.
- Years of Service.
Section 4. Reinstatement.
- Reinstatement of membership shall be granted after the following are received:
- Written request for reinstatement to department chairman; and
- Payment of current annual dues.
- The entrance fee shall be waived for reinstatement of membership.
Section 5. Dues and Fees.
- Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall determine the amount of annual dues, entrance fees, designated dates, and fines. The Board, at their discretion, may determine a rate reduction for membership dues for prospective members joining in the second half of the club year. Dues, fees, dates, and fines must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Board members present at a business meeting. These decisions shall take effect at the beginning of the following club year.
- Each department treasurer must turn in all membership dues and entrance fees along with a membership roster to the General club treasurer by the designated time for the current club year as set forth in the MWC Standing Rules.
- A department shall be penalized per month for failure to submit the membership roster, collected dues, and entrance fees in a timely manner.
- All membership dues and entrance fees collected after the designated date for the current club year shall be presented within the designated time to the General club treasurer for submission to GFWC Kentucky.
- Active Members Dues. Annual dues must be paid within the time designated in the Standing Rules. Members who belong to more than one (1) department shall pay full dues in her primary department and only department dues in the other.
- Prospective Members Dues and Fees. Upon accepting membership in MWC, the new member must pay an entrance fee and dues within the designated time as set forth in the Standing Rules. Dues for any additional departments must be paid at the time of the annual dues and entrance fee.
Section 6. Termination of Membership.
- Membership may be terminated at any time by a written resignation to the primary department in which full dues have been paid. A member resigning within thirty (30) days of paying annual dues may have a refund at the discretion of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of those present.
- Membership shall be terminated if dues have not been paid by the third meeting of the department. The department treasurer shall communicate with the members who have not paid prior to membership being terminated.
Section 7. Membership Roster.
- An alphabetized membership roster listing current contact information shall be submitted by the department to both the General club treasurer and Yearbook chairman for active and non-participatory members.
B. A membership form providing contact information for new members shall be provided by the department to the General club treasurer, Yearbook chairman, and Membership chairman.
C. Contact information shall include name, address, zip code, numbers for landline and mobile phone (as applicable), email address, and spouse (if desired).
D. Club membership rosters are for the use of MWC and shall not be sold.
E. Membership information shall be shared with GFWC Kentucky and GFWC International.
Section 8. Club Year.
- The club year shall run from July 1 through June 30.
- The first quarter of the club year shall be the months of July, August, and September; the second quarter, October, November, and December; third quarter, January, February, and March; and the fourth quarter, April, May, and June.
Section 9. MWC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, or national origin.
Article IV – Divisions
Section 1. MWC shall be composed of departments.
Section 2. Any decision to combine departments must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors at a business meeting.
Section 3. New departments must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors at a business meeting.
Article V – Elections
Section 1. General Club Officers.
- Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors and shall be composed of five (5) members representing the following groups: one (1) from the Advisory Council, one (1) from the Executive Committee, two (2) from department chairmen, and one (1) from the standing committee chairmen
- Slate of Officers. A slate of candidates shall be presented by the Nominating Committee for the offices of president, president-elect, recording secretary, and treasurer. Nominations from the floor shall also be taken.
- Election and Installation. Officers shall be elected at the General club meeting in the third quarter of the club year in even numbered years and installed at the General club meeting in the fourth quarter of the club year in even numbered years.
- The election shall be by acclamation unless more than one (1) candidate is nominated for the same office, in which case the voting shall be by ballot.
Section 2. Department Officers.
- Each department shall elect a chairman and secretary in order to conduct business meetings. A vice chairman and treasurer may also be elected. The office of treasurer may be filled by the chairman at her discretion.
- Departments may elect co-chairmen, but the department shall have only one (1) vote at Board of Directors meetings when co-chairmen attend.
- Election and Installation. Officers shall be elected in the third quarter of the club year in even numbered years. Chairmen shall be installed at the General club business meeting in the fourth quarter of that year.
- The election shall be by acclamation unless more than one (1) candidate is nominated for the same office, in which case the voting shall be by ballot.
Article VI – Officers
Section 1. General Club Officers.
- Elected Officers. Elected officers of the MWC, designated as the Executive Committee, shall be a president, president-elect, recording secretary, and treasurer.
- Appointed Officers. A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the president. A corresponding secretary may be appointed at the discretion of the president.
Section 2. Qualifications. To be eligible for an elected office, a member shall have been an active member in good standing for at least two (2) years. To be eligible to serve as president of GFWC Murray Woman’s Club, a member shall have been an active member in good standing for at least three (3) years and have served at least one (1) year on the Board of Directors. The president shall not be a chairman or vice chairman of a department during her term of office.
Section 3. Term of Office.
- Officers shall assume their duties at the beginning of the club year in even numbered years.
- A term of office shall be two (2) years from the beginning of the club year in even numbered years.
- No elected officer shall serve two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, except the recording secretary and treasurer.
Section 4. Vacancy in Office.
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the president-elect shall become president and shall serve the remainder of the term. A president serving less than one (1) year shall be eligible to serve a full term. If the president-elect is unable to serve, the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim president. During this interim, a nominating committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors by plurality vote.
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of president-elect, the president shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of holding a special election to fill the vacancy. A president-elect serving less than one year shall be eligible to serve a full term.
- In the event the offices of president and president-elect become vacant at the same time, the recording secretary shall be authorized to call a special meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of holding a special election to fill those vacancies.
- A vacancy in an elected office other than that of president and president-elect shall be filled by the Executive Committee.
- When filling vacancies, no name shall be placed in nomination without the consent of the nominee. The nominees shall meet the qualifications for election to office.
Section 5. Duties of Elected Officers.
- The president shall:
- Preside at all General club meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and called meetings;
- Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee;
- Appoint a parliamentarian and all committees except the Nominating Committee;
- Appoint a corresponding secretary at her discretion;
- Be an authorized signatory on checks;
- Be the authorized signatory on the MWC Endowment Fund;
- Sign contracts as required;
- Prepare and submit nonfinancial legal forms relating to incorporation status and nonprofit status;
- Purchase at club expense information provided by GFWC Kentucky on state and international programs and projects.
- Share information on state and international programs and projects with membership;
- Write and submit annual club reports required by GFWC Kentucky. The president may request assistance and/or designate others to do so, but the responsibility remains with the president to make sure reports are timely submitted;
- Write and appropriately submit applications and supporting documentation for club members who have been nominated for individual awards and honors above the club level. The president may request assistance and/or designate others to do so, but the responsibility remains with the president;
- Represent MWC at GFWC Kentucky district and state meetings and as many GFWC International regional and national meetings as possible;
- Perform other duties as directed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee; and
- Perform such other duties that customarily pertain to the office.
- President-elect. The president-elect shall:
- Work closely with the president in anticipation of ascending to the presidency;
- Be Program chairman for the General club;
- In an emergency, be an authorized signatory on checks;
- Be an ex-officio member of the Budget-Finance Committee and Financial Review Committee;
- Perform other duties as directed by the president, Board of Directors, or Executive Committee; and
- Perform such other duties as that customarily pertain to the office.
- Recording Secretary. The recording secretary is not responsible for minutes of any standing or special committee meetings, but shall:
- Board of Directors Minutes.
- Have minutes approved by the committee appointed by the president; and
- Furnish a copy of the minutes of regular or called meetings to the Board of Directors after approval.
- Executive Committee Minutes
- Have minutes approved by Executive Committee or committee appointed by the president; and
- Furnish a copy to the Executive Committee upon approval.
- General Club Meeting Minutes.
- Take minutes only when there is a business meeting;
- Have minutes approved by the committee appointed by the president; and
- Furnish a copy to the Board of Directors upon approval.
- Provide a copy of the Minute Book to the Club History Committee chairman for archival purposes upon completion of the club year.
- Perform other duties as directed by the president, Executive Committee, or Board of Directors.
- Perform such other duties as that customarily pertain to the office.
- Treasurer. The treasurer shall:
- Make a written financial report at Board of Directors meetings and at Executive Committee meetings;
- Be an authorized signatory on checks;
- Prepare and submit all state and federal tax forms;
- Prepare and submit all financial forms relating to incorporation status and nonprofit status with any needed assistance from the president;
- Perform other duties as directed by the president, Board of Directors, or Executive Committee; and
- Perform such other duties as that customarily pertain to the office.
- General club officers shall meet with department officers by no later than July 31 of the first year of the administration to discuss and update policies and procedures, duties, reports, and any other appropriate topic. The president shall meet with department chairmen, president-elect with vice chairmen, secretary with secretaries, and treasurer with treasurers.
Section 6. Duties of Appointed Officers
- Corresponding Secretary. The corresponding secretary shall perform duties such as that customarily pertain to the office and keep a record of correspondence received and sent.
- The parliamentarian shall:
- Assist the president to manage meetings, advise on parliamentary procedure, and answer questions concerning Bylaws and Standing Rules;
- Chair the Bylaws Committee to review the Bylaws;
- Arrange Nominating Committee’s first meeting, providing information on nomination and election process; and
- Perform such other duties as that customarily pertain to the office.
- Appointed officers shall perform other duties as directed by the president, Board of Directors, or Executive Committee.
Article VII – Department Chairman and Vice Chairman
A chairman or vice chairman of a department shall not serve in either capacity in another department during the same club year.
Article VIII – Outstanding Club Member Awards
Section 1. Outstanding club members shall be selected annually in the following categories:
- Newcomer of the Year;
- Volunteer of the Year; and
- Clubwoman of the Year.
Section 2. Departments.
- Nominations for outstanding club members shall be made through the departments.
- Chairmen shall present information in support of nominees to Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall vote to determine club winner for each award.
Section 4. Winners shall be chosen by plurality of votes.
Section 5. Members winning the club award cannot be nominated again in that category.
Section 6. Nominees not winning the club award, except nominees for Newcomer of the Year by virtue of the time limit for membership, can be selected again by the departments.
Article IX – Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees.
- The standing committees of MWC shall be Budget-Finance, Bylaws, Club History, Civic Engagement, Communications and Public Relations, Contests, Financial Review, Fundraising, Membership, Nominating, Press and Social Media Book, Yearbook, and any other standing committees approved by the Executive Committee.
- The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
- The term of committee members shall be for the current administration.
- Standing Committee chairmen shall report to the Board of Directors monthly as needed.
Section 2. Special Committees.
- GFWC International and GFWC Kentucky Committees. The president may appoint at her discretion special committees to match the current structure and practices of GFWC International as stated in the GFWC Club Manual and GFWC Kentucky programs and projects.
- The president shall appoint special committees for events, programs, or activities at her discretion.
Article X – Meetings
Section 1. General Club Meetings.
- The General club shall hold four (4) quarterly meetings during the club year at the clubhouse. Business shall be conducted at a minimum of three (3) of these meetings. Meeting times and dates shall be left to the discretion of the president and president-elect.
- The General club may hold one (1) or more open meetings during the club year.
Section 2. Board of Directors Meetings. The Board of Directors shall hold twelve (12) monthly meetings at the clubhouse. Called meetings shall be at the discretion of the president.
Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings. An Executive Committee meeting may be called at the discretion of the president.
Section 4. Departmental Meetings.
- Meetings of each department shall be held at the time and date listed in the yearbook. A request for any permanent change in either time or date must be brought before the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote.
- Each department may hold one (1) or more open meetings during the club year.
- Prospective members may be guests at two (2) meetings before joining.
Section 5. Business.
- Business may be conducted by electronic means, if deemed necessary by the president or department chairman.
- Action taken at a meeting through electronic means shall be verified and made a part of the minutes of the next regular meeting. Emails shall be printed out and attached to the minutes.
Section 6. Voting.
- No member shall vote in more than one capacity and there shall be no voting by proxy. Only members paying annual dues shall have voting privileges.
- The president is entitled to vote either as a member or in case of a tie vote or ballot vote, although she may refrain from doing so at her discretion.
- A parliamentarian who pays annual dues is entitled to full rights of membership, including the right to make motions, debate, and vote.
Section 7. Quorum. The Board of Directors shall determine the minimum number of members who must be present and voting for any decisions of a meeting to be binding or valid.
Article XI – Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council
Section 1. Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of General club elected officers, General club appointed officers, Advisory Council chairman, department chairmen, and standing committee chairmen.
- The Board of Directors shall:
- Exercise general supervision over all work done by the club as well as duties stated in the Bylaws and Standing Rules of MWC; and
- Determine any disbursement of income received from the MWC Endowment Fund.
- Department and Committee Votes.
- Each department shall have one (1) vote.
- Each standing committee shall have one (1) vote.
- Special Committee chairmen may attend Board meetings but may not vote.
- No guests may attend Board meetings without the prior approval of the president.
- Business to be placed on the agenda must be submitted to the president prior to the date of the Board meeting.
Section 2. Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of elected General club officers.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power of the Board of Directors between meetings in a crisis situation. Any action taken during this interim shall be ratified at the next Board of Directors meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall not:
- AmendBylaws;
- Elect officers except as allowed in the Bylaws;
- Remove members from the Board of Directors;
- Approve or change the budget; nor
- Make major structural decisions such as add departments or dissolve the organization.
Section 3. Advisory Council.
- Presidents Emeriti who are active members of MWC shall, at the expiration of their term of office, by virtue of their position automatically become members of the Advisory Council.
- The retiring president at the end of her term of office shall be chairman of the Advisory Council and shall be a member of the Board of Directors.
- Membership on the council may be concluded by resignation from the Council or withdrawal of club membership.
- The current president may attend Advisory Council meetings at the discretion of the chairman but shall not be entitled to a vote.
- The Advisory Council shall:
- Oversee the operation of the clubhouse and grounds;
- Advise and cooperate with the Board of Directors in the formation of policies of the Club; and
- Recommend any payments from Heritage Fund for maintenance of the clubhouse and grounds.
- The chairman of the Advisory Council shall oversee maintenance of the clubhouse and grounds.
- The chairman shall handle the rental of the clubhouse and grounds, including but not limited to meeting with renters, having contracts signed, making sure clubhouse rules are enforced, and receiving payment. After a rental, she shall inspect the property and recommend to the club treasurer whether deposit should be returned.
- The Chairman shall make a monthly report to the Board of Directors.
Article XII – Finance
Section 1. The club fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 2. The club shall maintain the following checking accounts:
- General Fund;
- Heritage Fund; and
- Any additional accounts deemed necessary by the treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors by a plurality vote.
Section 3. Murray Woman’s Club Endowment Fund.
- The purpose of the endowment fund through the Murray-Calloway County Community Foundation shall be to provide a perpetual income stream to the club. This income shall be used primarily for the maintenance of the property.
- Donations and investment earnings shall serve as principle, with investment earnings allocated to funds designated by the Murray-Calloway County Community Foundation. This decision on where to place investment earnings shall be determined each year upon recommendation of the Budget-Finance Committee and approval by the Board of Directors.
- The percentage of the total amount invested in the funds designated by the foundation annually shall be:
- Used by the club for needs identified by the Budget-Finance Committee and/or Board of Directors which have been approved by the Board of Directors;
- Left in escrow for future use; or
- Added to the principle (investment total) to earn further profits.
- The Budget-Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors how the annual percentage of the total amount invested should be used.
- Final decisions on financial disbursements shall be made by the Board of Directors.
- The current president shall be the signatory for the Endowment Fund.
- In the event of the dissolution of MWC, the Board of Directors shall designate another non-profit entity to receive the fund.
Section 4. The club may maintain savings and other investment accounts.
Article XIII – Amendment of Bylaws
Section 1. Bylaws.
- Proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee. Rationale for change and the name of person, department, or committee submitting the proposal must accompany the proposal.
- Members shall be given written notice of proposed changes to Bylaws thirty (30) days in advance of a General club meeting.
- Bylaws shall be amended by a two-thirds vote (2/3) of the members present at a General club meeting.
Section 2. When Amendments Take Effect. Changes to Bylaws shall take effect at the end of the club year in which they are enacted.
Article XIV – Official Logo
Section 1. The official logo shall be the logo designed by club members Joetta Kelly and Cynthia Barnes and adopted in 2021. The logo shall be the state of Kentucky in royal blue, outlined in gold, and atop of green circle, overlapping the circle at both the east and west ends. The state shall have the GFWC color emblem in the larger, eastern end of the state and a gold star in the western end where GFWC Murray Woman’s Club is located. The green circle shall have a gold ring around it with “GFWC” in gold capital letters above the state and “Kentucky” below the state in gold letters with a capital “K” only. Outside the green circle, there shall be a wide white circle outlined by two separate green circles, the outermost being wider than the other. The words “MURRAY WOMAN’S CLUB” in all capital letters in black shall be written in the upper arc of the white circle, and “Federated 1907” shall be written in black in the bottom arc of the white circle with only the “F” capitalized.
Section 2. The logo is a perfect circle and shall not appear as an ellipse.
Section 3. The logo cannot be changed or altered, other than to be enlarged or reduced in overall size.
Section 4. The logo shall be used to promote MWC, such as stationery, advertising, marketing materials, website, social media, signs, publications, forms, and other similar purposes.
Section 5. The logo may be used for promotional purposes by club members, departments, and General club.
Article XV – Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of MWC, after the payment satisfaction and discharge of all liabilities and obligations, all of its remaining assets and property of every nature and description whatsoever not held upon a condition requiring return, transfer, or conveyance, by reason of dissolution shall be paid over to organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes and shall at that time qualify as an exempt corporation or organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1987 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). MWC is not a private foundation.
Article XVI– Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of MWC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
Article XVII – Indemnification
The officers of MWC shall be indemnified for any costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred as a result of the performance of their duties as provided in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Revised Statues, or any KRS amendments.
(Constitution and Bylaws amended in 2010 rescinded July 14, 2022; Bylaws and Standing Rules adopted July 14, 2022)
Adopted July 14, 2022
- Dues and membership fees must be paid to department treasurer within two (2) weeks of joining club.
- The entrance fee payable by new members shall be set at ten dollars ($10).
- Annual dues shall be set at seventy-five dollars ($75) per club year.
- Members joining between January 1 and June 30 of the current club year shall pay dues of fifty dollars ($50) for the remainder of the club year.
- Departments shall retain two dollars ($2) for each member from collected dues.
- A member belonging to more than one (1) department shall pay annual dues in one (1) department plus dues of two dollars ($2) in each additional department.
- An associate member shall pay twenty-five dollars ($25) per year for temporary associate membership status or may pay a one-time fee of fifty dollars ($50) for permanent associate membership status.
- Lifetime members shall pay a one-time fee of annual dues in effect at the time of her request for lifetime membership status.
- The treasurer of a department shall contact non-participatory members for applicable dues and forward to club treasurer.
- Departments must submit dues, entrance fees, and a membership roster to the General club treasurer by October 10 of the current club year.
- Departments may be fined fifty dollars ($50) per month for failure to submit collected dues, entrance fees and a membership roster to the General club treasurer by October 10 of the current club year.
- Departments must submit membership dues and entrance fees collected after October 10 of the current club year along with member contact information to the General club treasurer within two (2) weeks of receipt.
2.01 Alpha, Creative Arts, Delta, Garden, Home, Kappa, Music, Sigma, Theta, and Zeta shall be the departments in the MWC.
2.02 Any group that may be organized and is approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present and voting at a business meeting shall become a department.
3.01 Budget-Finance Committee.
- The Budget-Finance Committee shall be composed of the General club treasurer and two members who shall not be members of the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall serve as the chairman. The president and president-elect shall be ex-officio members. Members of the Executive Committee may attend the meetings as observers.
- The committee shall:
- Investigate and study annually the dues, other income, and disbursements of the organization and report to the Board of Directors its findings and any recommendation for a change in financial structure; and
- Recommend to the Board of Directors whether the percentage of investment income available annually from the MWC Endowment Fund should be used by the club for identified needs, left in escrow for future use, or added to the principle for further profits.
3.02 Bylaws Committee.
- The Bylaws Committee shall be composed of the parliamentarian and three (3) additional members, each from a different department. The parliamentarian shall chair the committee.
- This committee shall:
- Review Bylaws to determine if amendments are needed;
- Submit proposed amendments to the Bylaws together with the committee’s recommendations for action; and
- In the event a revision is authorized, prepare and submit the revised Bylaws to the president for disbursement to club members.
3.03 Civic Engagement Committee.
- The Civic Engagement Committee shall be composed of a chairman appointed by the president, plus a representative chosen by each department.
- The Civic Engagement Committee shall:
- Arrange and oversee forums for local political candidates in primary and general elections as applicable;
- Include political candidates for state offices in forums if feasible;
- Update Board of Directors on legislative issues; and
- Plan nonpolitical civic engagements in which the club can participate, such as recycling, veterans, and parades.
3.04 Club History Committee.
- The Club History Committee shall be composed of a club historian.
- The historian shall gather all materials to be archived from the departments and General club.
- Materials to be archived shall include, but not be limited to, Press and Social Media book, Yearbook, annual reports, certificates of awards, minutes from the Board of Directors, department minutes, and event and fundraiser flyers and programs.
3.05 Communications and Public Relations Committees
- Print Media Committee.
- The Print Media Committee shall be composed of a chairman.
- The chairman shall:
- Be responsible for submitting future club activities and events to print media such as newspapers and magazines; and
- Submit photographs and information on club activities and events that have been held to print media.
- Website Committee.
- The Website Committee shall be composed of a chairman.
- This committee shall:
- Be responsible for the club website, including but not limited to its administration and upkeep;
- Post official logo on website;
- Link website to GFWC Kentucky and GFWC International websites; and
- Enter website in state and international website contests.
- Social Media Committee.
- The Social Media Committee shall be composed of a chairman.
- The chairman shall:
- Be responsible for promotion of all club’s presence on social media and the administration of the club’s social media accounts;
- Post future club events and activities;
- Post about club events and activities after they are held.
- Photography Committee.
- Composition. The Photography Committee shall consist of two (2) or more clubwomen who are skilled in photography. The committee shall select a chairman. The chairman is responsible for having a photographer at club events and activities.
- Duties.
- The Photography Committee shall photograph all club events and activities.
- Photographs, along with a description of the event and the identity of those shown, shall be provided to print, website, and social media chairmen for publication in a timely manner.
- The photographer scheduled for an event or activity shall provide a substitute if she cannot attend.
3.06 Contests Committee.
- The Contests Committee shall consist of a chairman.
- This committee shall:
- Encourage members to participate in club, district, GFWC Kentucky, and GFWC International contests.
- Remind members of deadlines to enter club, district, and GFWC Kentucky contests. (GFWC Kentucky will enter state winners in GFWC International contests.)
- Prepare and present participation and award certificates to those who entered contests. These shall be presented during the third (3rd) quarter meeting of the General club.
- Verify that all rules for the contests have been followed as entries that do not follow the contest rules will be disqualified
- GFWC Photography Contests. The committee shall:
- Distribute contest rules from GFWC International to clubwomen;
- Obtain photographs and signed GFWC Creative Arts Waivers; and
- Take entries to and bring back from district photography contest. If photograph did not win, return to club member. If the district vice-governor does not keep winning photographs to submit to the state contest, the chairman shall retain the photographs and GFWC Creative Arts Waivers for entry in the state contest.
- GFWC Member Writing Contests and Youth Writing Contests. The committee shall:
- Distribute contests rules from GFWC International to students and clubwomen;
- Obtain entries from clubwomen as well as Murray Independent School District, private schools, and home schooled students;
- Have entries judged independently to select one (1) winner in each GFWC International category and classification; and
- Submit winning entries along with signed GFWC Creative Arts Waivers as instructed to GFWC Kentucky for judging.
- Arts, Crafts, and Needlework Contests. The committee shall:
- Take entries to and bring back from district contest, if any; and
- Obtain a signed MWC waiver stating the club will not be responsible for any damage to or destruction or loss of entry.
- Newcomer of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Clubwoman of the Year Awards.
- Distribute information to departments and encourage them to make nominations in each category at the Board of Directors meeting in January; and
- Retain a written copy of the supporting information from the department for each candidate to use for the winners at Awards Night and for the GFWC Kentucky Outstanding Clubwoman contest.
- Leadership Development and Education Seminar and Jennie Award Candidates.
- Distribute information and encourage departments to recommend members as LEADS and Jennie Award candidates to the Board of Directors at the January meeting; and
- Retain a written copy of the supporting information from the department for each candidate to use for the winners at Awards Night and for GFWC Kentucky LEADS candidate and Jennie Award winner.
3.07 Financial Review Committee.
- The Financial Review Committee shall be composed of three (3) members, each from a different department. The treasurer shall supply all documentation requested and be available to answer any questions by telephone or other means but shall not be a member of the committee.
- This committee shall review, but not audit, financial records regarding income and disbursements annually within forty-five (45) days of the end of the club year.
3.08 Fundraising Committees.
- General Club Fundraising Committee.
- The General Club Fundraising Committee shall be composed of one (1) or more chairmen appointed by the president plus one (1) member designated by each department.
- This committee shall:
- Raise funds for the General club and its projects; and
- Raise funds for MWC Endowment Fund.
- Heritage Fund Committee.
- The Heritage Fund Committee shall be composed of one (1) or more chairmen.
- This committee shall raise funds for the maintenance and improvement of the clubhouse and grounds.
- Club Booths Committee.
- The Club Booths Committee shall be composed of one (1) or more chairmen appointed by the president.
- This committee shall:
- Raise funds through obtaining and selling merchandise;
- Maintain and stock booths;
- Submit receipts to the club treasurer for reimbursement of expenses; and
- Make a monthly report to the Board of Directors.
- Membership Committee.
- The Membership Committee shall be composed of a chairman appointed by the president plus a representative designated by each department.
- The committee shall:
- Promote recruiting of prospective members and retention of active members;
- Plan and execute membership recruitment events;
- Provide completed information forms for new members to appropriate department chairmen and Yearbook Committee chairman; and
- Prepare and timely submit quarterly membership reports as required by GFWC Kentucky and GFWC International with a copy to the club president.
3.10 Nominating Committee.
- (Bylaws: Article V. Elections. Section 1. General Club Officers. Subsection A.)
- Find qualified nominees and obtain a slate of officers for the General club positions of president-elect, recording secretary, and treasurer; and
- In the event the president-elect refuses the presidency, the Nominating Committee shall find a qualified nominee for the position of president and present nominee on the slate of officers.
3.11 Press and Social Media Book Committee.
- The Press and Social Media Book Committee shall be composed of two (2) co-chairmen.
- This committee shall:
- Collect print and social media articles and photographs for each department and General club for the calendar year;
- Collate articles and photographs into a press and social media book to be used as a history of the club;
- Label pages and follow all rules of GFWC Kentucky for press and social media books;
- Give book to club president for submission to GFWC Kentucky contest; and
- Submit receipts to club treasurer for reimbursement of expenses.
3.12 Yearbook Committee.
- The Yearbook Committee shall be composed of a chairman.
- This committee shall:
- Collect from each department chairman the following:
- Member contact information;
- Names of officers;
- Committees and members; and
- Program information to include meeting dates, times, locations, program, hostesses, and names of presenters.
- Obtain from club president and/or president-elect:
- Information on General club meeting dates, times, programs, speakers, hostesses, and duties of hostesses;
- Names of standing and special committee chairmen; and
- Causes of the Month.
- Obtain from GFWC Kentucky and GFWC International
- Federation dates and events for the administration;
- Name of GFWC International president; and
- Names and contact information for GFWC Kentucky officers.
- Input data into provided yearbook format.
- Proof yearbook.
- Consult with printer regarding printing of yearbook and give permission for printing after final approval.
- Distribute yearbook to departments based on membership.
3.13 All Standing Committee chairmen shall report volunteer hours, donations, and unreimbursed in kind donations for the calendar year related to the performance of their duties as a chairman and a narrative to explain actions taken and results thereof to the club president before January 10. Any volunteer hours, donations, and unreimbursed in kind donations reported to the department should be noted.
3.14 Standing Committee Chairmen may ask other club members to help, unless the committee is limited in its composition by the Bylaws or Standing Rules.
4.01 Investment earnings shall be allocated each year to either of two funds under the umbrella of the Murray-Calloway County Community Foundation, A (primarily stock holdings) and B (primarily bonds holdings).
4.02 Four percent (4%) of the total amount invested in these funds shall be available annually to be used by the club for identified needs, left in escrow for future use, or added to the principal for future profits.
- General Club Meetings. Twenty-five percent (25%) of active club members, including two (2) General club officers, shall constitute a quorum for the entire MWC at a General club meeting.
- Departmental Meetings. A quorum for a department shall be ten percent (10%) of the active membership, including two (2) officers.
- Board of Directors Meetings. Forty percent (40%) of its members, including the General club president and recording secretary, shall constitute a quorum for Board of Directors meetings. In order to meet the quorum, in the absence of the president the president-elect may preside and, in the absence of the recording secretary, the president may appoint a recording secretary.
- Executive Committee Meetings. A quorum for an executive committee meeting shall be three (3) members.
- At no time shall the absence of a quorum at a meeting prevent those present from proceeding with the program for the day even though official business cannot be conducted nor a binding vote taken.
6.01 A member who attends three (3) or more General club meetings during the club year shall have her name entered into a drawing for free membership the following year.
6.02 The member shall sign the attendance register at the meetings attended in order to be eligible for the drawing.
7.01 Newcomer of the Year shall be chosen based on all club activities up to and including July 1 of the previous club year to December 31 of the current club year.
7.02 Volunteer of the Year shall be chosen based on all community volunteer activities during the calendar year.
7.03 Clubwoman of the Year shall be chosen based on all club activities during the calendar year and GFWC Kentucky criteria regarding participation at the district, state, and international levels. The club winner shall be entered in the GFWC Kentucky Outstanding Clubwoman contest.
7.04 A department may nominate a club member in any or all categories.
7.05 Nominees shall be chosen by the department before the January meeting of the Board of Directors.
7.06 Departments shall present written information supporting the candidates at the January meeting of the Board of Directors. A copy of the information shall be given to the Contests Chairman.
7.07 Election results shall be confidential until announced at the General club meeting in the third (3rd) quarter of the club year.
8.01 A memorial service shall be held annually in the fourth quarter of the club year to recognize active and non-participatory members who died in the previous club year but who were not included in that year’s memorial service due to date of death and those who have died during the current club year through the end of the month preceding the service.
8.02 Former active members qualified to become associate members but who did not pay for associate membership status may be included in the memorial service upon payment of annual dues not previously paid for the time she was so qualified.
8.03 All Presidents Emeriti shall be recognized at the memorial service regardless of membership status.
9.01 Material to be archived shall be gathered and delivered to the club historian by July 30.
9.02 The material shall be taken to Pogue Library on the Murray State University Campus for archiving.
9.03 The president or historian shall be designated to archive the material annually.
10.01 Notice is required for proposed Standing Rules changes.
10.02 Standing Rules shall be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at a business meeting.